The manufacturing process of a large number of industrial products, produces significant amounts of organic wastes (i.e.: agricultural residues, recovered materials, biological resources of industries) that needs to be discharged. This practice is highly costly in managerial and economical resources as long as it has a negative environmental impact. A viable solution to the aforementioned issues, is the energy exploitation of the organic wastes utilizing appropriate technologies that have as an ultimate goal the production of high added value products. The MoBiSol Project aims to use the HydroHelioThermoChemical (HHTC) technology, which makes use of biomass/organic discharges in the presence of water in sub- and/or supercritical conditions for producing biofuels and/or streams rich in inorganic minerals that have excellent crop fertilising properties. One of the innovations of the proposed technology is the use of concentrated solar power to meet the energy demands of the process; for this purpose Fresnel-type optical systems will be used.
An additional innovation in the present Project is the integration of the proposed technology into a prototype automated mobile unit whose operation will be possible in remote areas with little access to the electricity grid. The Project will be implemented through a partnership of 1 Research Organization (CERTH-APTL, Coordinator) along with 5 Industrial Partners (PAKO SA, ELDIA SA, CAMPUS SA, RENOVOIL and SPANOS TECHNOLOGIES). The abovementioned collaboration will highly contribute to the successful design, development and exploitation of the results that will emerge at the end of the Project. CERTH will mainly be responsible for the characterization of organic discharges, the design of the HHTC process, the design of the prototype laboratory and pilot units and the conduction of the necessary evaluation experiments. SPANOS TECHNOLOGIES will mainly focus on the design and development of the prototype mobile unit, utilising know-how gained through the mobile concrete manufacturing plants that the firm produces and trades. The remaining industrial partners (PAKO SA, ELDIA SA, CAMPUS SA, RENOVOIL) will provide the organic wastes of various types available to each and will actively contribute to the assessment of the prototype mobile unit. All of the partners will have an active role to the dissemination of the resulting results.
Environmental, economical and societal impact is expected to be observed by the successful outcome of the Project. In particular, i) know-how will be developed and consolidated to allow the exploitation of various types of organic waste that will be converted to added value goods in a context of a zero, waste economy, ii) further scale-up of the technology on an industrial scale, can lead to savings of at least 28 €/tn of discarded organic matter resulting from the sale of the products produced by the process, iii) the modern phenomenon of brain drain that plagues Greece due to the economic crisis will be issued through further development of the proposed technology and the opening of new positions for highly educated/qualified personnel through the development of start-up and spin-off enterprises.